Happy New Year!
2022 is finally here, and we all have high hopes for what this year will bring. Of course, high hopes are not what brings change when change is needed. And that’s true in every area of life, including how to address the sticky issues of home ownership, including maintenance, renewal, purchase, repair, and so on.
In 2021, we introduced ideas and approaches for helping you address these factors head on, and we’ll continue to do so in 2022.
It’s still not too late to incorporate some of these ideas into the ubiquitous concept at this time of year – the New Year’s resolution. We’ll get back to that in a few moments.
For now, recall one important tool from our 2021 posts – the Predictive Analysis. Addressing primarily Strata living, or multifamily dwelling management, we know that the legal requirement for all Strata’s is a Depreciation Report. The Predictive Analysis, once completed, includes that important document. But it contains more, and is especially helpful in its presentation of financial analysis of costs that can negatively impact Strata home owners due to unseen and unplanned for issues. More importantly, the Predictive Analysis provides financial planning data specifically tailored to your living arrangement that, when put in place, will assure the surprises such issues bring are minimized and not even impactful.
Back to 2022. Why not resolve to, at a minimum, speak to our representatives about our plans that include Predictive Analyses? Living dangerously without the assurance we can provide doesn’t seem to be wise, and an initial conversation is a no cost risk.
We’re here to help you. Seriously!