Some stories prey on your emotions. Some stories prey on your sense of justice. And then there are other stories that activate both of these responses. It’s hard to read the story behind this link without getting emotionally involved AND without wanting to scream that there IS a preventative option.
Anyone who owns, Manages, or oversees the operation of Strata Managed homes needs to know that such a catastrophe is preventable, and that there is no reason why, with the Technology available today, that such problems from Financial to structural, cannot be dealt with before the nightmare becomes reality.
Our secret sauce is the “Predictive Analysis.” We aggressively promote PA because it works. It incorporates leading structural infrared technology capability for building inspections, with subsequent detailed analysis that includes budget plans, inflation and interest rate “what if” scenarios; impacts to the Contingency Reserve Fund. It recommends actions to address revealed issues, and literally demonstrates savings in the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the expected life of the building by using a planned maintenance approach vs reactive maintenance.