In a world of uncertainty, it’s refreshing every now and then to come across a business that truly respects the needs, wishes, and challenges of its clients. The one thing that a face-to-face ground level experience with such a business leaves you with, is a desire to tell others about it and even to direct them to that business when a need presents itself.
In a recent post here entitled “Integrity: Doing the Job Right From the Start,” we presented how these attributes are what drive us. That’s all well and good, but how can we back that goal up when it comes to the knowledge and technical prowess of the multi-family housing industry our clients need to see before hiring us? Consider the following CSFTS Staff experience:
Founder and President: a lifetime involvement in construction & development creating or redeveloping more than 8,000 multi-family units, more than 1 million square feet of retail/office/industrial space. Spear headed the repair and ‘recovery’ of more than 2,000 leaky condos, & delivered thousands of insurance loss victims out of devastation in numerous markets. Technical certifications in multiple construction and investigative techniques.
Lead, Operations and Technology: Over the past 20 years has participated in ‘rescuing’ more than 2,000 leaky condos & assisting thousands of insurance loss victims following devastation in numerous markets. Technical certifications in multiple construction and investigative disciplines including infrared technology investigations. Brian drives our inspection, investigation, and client web processes.
Partnerships and Marketing Lead: an experienced & effective international insurance & communications executive leads the marketing and sales teams at CSFTS. A proven MBA and Project Management Specialist, guides collaborative development, structuring, & implementation of marketing partnerships with key clients.
Sales Leader – with a background as an effective construction services manager, our Sales leader has been involved in, and seen the benefits of effective analysis, prioritization, planning and funding for Strata clients over the past 11 years. He takes great pleasure in helping clients gain understanding, focus and clear priorities as they maximize their resources & value through CSFTS services.
In addition to the experience above, our Administration staff of four has many decades of experience in accounting, Information Technology, Public Relations and Marketing.
Above all of that, is a personal passion to carry out the job with Integrity, honesty, and plain hard work. Think we’re just blowing our own horn? Call us for an initial, free discussion and we believe we’ll impress you before that discussion has ended.
Image Credit Copyright: limbi007