As mornings go, this one started out in the usual way – breakfast, personal Internet searches, and then considering if the sun might deem itself to shine today. Since that last morning task still doesn’t look like it’s going to reap any benefits today, (sound of thunder claps) I turned to figuring out what topic might be of interest to Strata owners for this week’s blog post.
I ended up on the Government web site where our Province’s Strata Property Act is available to search and peruse. “Why not take a look through the act and see if there’s anything that pops out that a Strata home owner may find enlightening,” I asked myself?
I was overwhelmed! The whole experience for me was nothing BUT enlightening! I was enlightened to see that the Act, all 19 Sections of it, including the Table of Contents and a Schedule of Standard Bylaws, could require a whole Legal team to interpret and inject real life meaning into most of what is documented. In fact, in the heading to the Table of Legislative Changes, it states, “This table is provided for convenience. While every effort has been made to achieve accuracy, only the statutes are authoritative. Legal opinion should be sought if interpretation is required.”
Interpretation is one thing, but reading the Strata Act in order to determine what needs interpreting falls into the category of “how to use my vacation days.” And yet, as a Strata owner, Council Member, or Property Manager, it is wise to know what the Act states, and what your rights and obligations are in a legal sense.
The link below takes you to the Strata Act Table of Contents. That alone is a valuable source to help you understand and reference. We suggest you review it for later use if needed. (NOTE: The link will take you to the British Columbia, Canada, Strata Act. If you do not live in BC, then search the Internet for the Act that applies to your area.)
Image Credit: Copyright: ginasanders