We Help You See the Future
Predictive Analysis! Never heard that term before? Maybe that’s because we invented it as a means of demonstrating cost and effort savings in the Management of your multi-family property. And we did that based on our experience watching Property stakeholders (Owners, Managers, Council Members) scramble to do repairs AFTER the damage had done its work.
That scramble can be avoided.
Predictive Analysis is a groundbreaking process of assessing how the next 20 – 30 years will treat your property from its biggest enemy, wear and depreciation. And not only protect it from the slow material decay that leads to repair but protect the stakeholders from the additional costs fixing that decay brings.
Our team can demonstrate significant cost reductions and reduce repair necessity through the process of planned maintenance and repair. This process, detailed in what we refer to as a Predictive Analysis Report, will save you money, time, and make you look like a hero when you present the option to the decision makers.
Give us a chance to show you. The consultation is free!