We at Canadian Strata Fund Track Solutions (CSFTS) are driven by the goal to reduce negative surprises for Condo owners. We all live with surprises in life and the only constant seems to be change. But when you live in a Condo or any other type of managed home, peace of mind is what homeowners […]
Strata Living
Integrity: Doing the Job Right From the Start
Sadly, Integrity is a word not in common use these days when describing work habits or professional demeanour. Too many companies reward an employee’s ability to get the job done without ever asking how achievements were attained. Many employers don’t really care about the “how” as long as the “done” appears. The ironic thing is […]
Strata Fees – Must You Pay Them?
I don’t know about you, but whenever I’ve been in the market for a new home, my considerations for a Condo or Strata Managed home always include the monthly Strata fee. How much is it? What does it include? Where’s the value? But the key to entering into a Strata agreement as far as fees […]
Relative Humidity and the Happy Family – Primer #5
If you think you may have a problem caused by Relative Humidity, we hope that this series of posts on the topic helps you to move forward. We sincerely hope you don’t get overwhelmed by the issue, because dealing with it using the tips we’ve discussed can lead to you being a happy rather than […]
Relative Humidity Primer #4
Relative Humidity and its role in your comfort level at your home is fairly straightforward, but also fairly deep and complex as far as the number of factors that should be considered, and the number of things you should look for and maintain properly. Last week we listed tips that will help ensure Exhaust Air […]
Relative Humidity Primer #3
If you’ve been following our series of posts about Relative Humidity (RH) ion the home, you’re now many steps ahead of most people in understanding why it’s so important to understand, and importantly, why you need to control it. So over the next 2 – 3 posts, we’re providing tips for homeowners for doing just […]
Relative Humidity Primer #2
How to Correctly Control RH In our last post we defined what Relative humidity is and described certain relative factors that will help homeowners understand how it can become a real menace to the comfort level of the home, or the friend it can be to your comfort. This week, in a bit of a […]
Relative Humidity – A Primer
Understanding the Impact of Relative Humidity to Your Home The last thing a homeowner wants is a damp living space. But the in-home factors leading to high relative humidity (RH) give you just that. Uncontrolled RH (not the hot air that comes from a family member) & a lack of fresh air are the two […]
Reactive vs Planned Maintenance – Cost Savings to Consider
We’ve posted many times about the need for Planned Maintenance in a Strata or Condo complex. What we want to do in this post is demonstrate, in real terms, how planned maintenance should be an obvious choice. The following example uses a building life span of estimated 80 years, with a focus on roof replacement. […]
Expertise Counts – How One Homeowner Saved Money through Expert Advice
Sometimes the best thing to do is to be or get your own expert. While TV shows and movies about the Legal profession portray ‘expertise’ as a competing industry in itself, there’s no doubt that we need someone ‘in the know’ from time to time. The story in the link below says a lot about […]
Canadian Strata Fund Track Solutions: A Reintroduction
Our company, Canadian Strata Fund Track Solutions (CSFTS) has been posting here for almost a year, and during that time we’ve examined many of the fundamentals that affect the day to day reality of living in a multi-family building. (Strata or Condo) Today we’re taking the opportunity to re-introduce who we are and what we offer: […]
Predictive Analysis: A Deeper Look
During the past year we’ve emphasized the importance of reducing costs through regular maintenance of key components of the buildings you call home. A recurring topic has been the services we offer through our Predictive Analysis (PA) report. Today we’ll give a more detailed summary of the PA, and in coming weeks drill down further […]